CCV Shop integration

CCV Shop integrationCategoria: IntegracionesCCV Shop integration
admin Staff asked 3 años ago

Trust profile & reviews for your CCV Shop?

Opiniones de los clientes CCV Shop

With the TrustProfile integration you can collect reviews in no time and display them easily with our interactive displays. With the TrustProfile sidebar for example, you can display the collected reviews without the visitor having to leave your shop.

For all TrustProfile users the CCV Shop module automatically invites customers to share their customer experience. With each completed order, an invitation is automatically sent to the customer inviting him to share his customer review. This is how you increase the trust and conversion of your webshop.

CCV Shop show sidebar and send review invites

Installing TrustProfile and collecting reviews on CCV Shop is easy. This can be done in 2 steps. First activate the CCV Shop module and then place the HTML codes for the widget and the banners.

Activate the CCV Shop module
1. First you claim your TrustProfile account.
2. Login to your CCV Shop webshop.
3. Go to the App Store and install the TrustProfile app.
4. Select your shop. Fill in your personal shop ID + API code. Which are available in our dashboard in the installation menu.
5. Configure the module to your own preferences.